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Thursday, January 18, 2018

AL Jazeera English News : Will Korean sports diplomacy extend to nuclear weapons?

Will Korean sports diplomacy extend to nuclear weapons?

Athletes from North and South Korea will parade under a unified flag at the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics next month. There's been a flurry of conciliatory moves from both sides since North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called for peace with South Korea in his New Year address - in sharp contrast to his strong warnings directed at the United States. Kim taunted President Donald Trump with his talk of having a nuclear button on his desk to which Trump responded that his was "bigger Is Kim Jong Un exploiting concerns about America under an unpredictable Donald Trump? Presenter: Adrian Finighan Guests: BJ Kim - Professor, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. Richard Weitz - Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute Se-Woong Koo - Managing Editor, Korea Expose news magazine Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: keep visiting our website for Al Jazeera English News,Latest News,News Today,News Headlines,Current News,Top News,News Update,International News,Latest World News,Breaking News Headlines,Latest News,Breaking News Today


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