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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Who's behind the attacks on refugees and migrants in Greece?

Who's behind the attacks on refugees and migrants in Greece?

A recent rise in anti-migrant attacks is shining the spotlight on racism in Greece and calling on the country to examine the growing popularity of a right-wing political party. Since December 25, more than 30 homes of migrant labourers have been the target of violence in the port city of Piraeus. “It’s been happening at least three times per week,” says Petros Constantinou, the national director for Keerfa, an anti-racist activist group. “They are targeting homes where it is obvious migrants are living,” Constantinou told Al Jazeera ahead of his appearance on The Stream. The “they” is believed to be members of Golden Dawn, a Greek neo-fascist party. The group has grown in popularity over the years thanks to their anti-establishment rhetoric and their use of the national resentment over Greece’s financial crisis. This month, as part of a larger effort by Twitter to combat hate speech, Golden Dawn had their account suspended. The party denies being a neo-Nazi organization. In 2016, the government established an official office for complaints of fascism and violence. But activists say it has been of little help because there are no translators working the phone lines and no one is actually calling. So what can actually be done to address the issue? We’ll pose that question to activists and lawmakers on this episode of The Stream.Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: keep visiting our website for Al Jazeera English News,Latest News,News Today,News Headlines,Current News,Top News,News Update,International News,Latest World News,Breaking News Headlines,Latest News,Breaking News Today


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